How does the Securly On-Call onboarding process work?

Signing up for Securly On-Call service includes a quick onboarding process that includes uploading emergency contact information for the school/district. Admins will also need to upload CSVs mapping students, OUs, students, and parents so that Securly On-Call analysts can get help from the student in case of an emergency. 

  1. Log in to Securly Aware. 
  2. Scroll down to the Cases tab and you will be greeted with the next steps.

  3. As the first step, you would need to enter two Global Contacts. These contacts are not OU-specific and will be contacted by the On-Call team if none of the other contacts are available during an incident. You can edit these contacts by going to the "District" tab.

  4. The next step is importing OUs from Google Workspace to Securly. Click "Import OUs" to start the process. You will be required to authenticate yourself again to sync the OUs. If you are an existing user you would not need to import OUs again. They will be displayed in the "Manage Org. unit" tab on the Cases page.

  5. Here you will see a complete list of your OUs and can select which OUs you want covered by Securly On-Call monitoring. Use the toggle buttons for Sites & Searches and Drive & Email next to each OU to tell us what you want to enable Securly On-Call for.
  6. The final step is to upload OU contacts. A sample CSV is provided that you can use to update the contact information and upload. This helps us map students, OUs, and school contacts so that the right person can be contacted in case of an emergency. We encourage you to add a note for each of the contacts so that our team knows when and how they can be contacted or cannot. Learn more about how to use the sample CSVs here.
  7. Your onboarding is now complete. The next steps should, however, be completed as soon as possible to allow you to use On-Call to its fullest.
  8. You can go back and edit the school/OU contacts through the Schools contacts tab on the Cases page.
  9. We also recommend that you upload parent contacts that map students and parents. We never contact parents, but it is necessary to have the information on file in case of a situation that requires us to contact local first responders or law enforcement.

  10. If you enable/disable any OUs at a later point in time, you can simply re-upload the CSV and update your contacts for On-Call.
  11. To add/modify OUs to G-Suite, you will need to check the Manage OUs page to ensure that those OUs are enabled for On-Call monitoring and an updated CSV is uploaded. Note that we do not enable monitoring for new OUs automatically. 
  12. If you are a Respond user you will also see other tabs such as Respond analytics and case logs under the Cases page.


It’s important to include at least one contact who can be reached outside of normal school hours, preferably a home or mobile number.

For Aware, you can only select those OUs for which Aware scanning has been enabled via Google Workspace. Learn more about how to identify the Aware scanned OUs here. 

Refer to this article for details of the information required in the CSV. 

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