The On-Call onboarding process requires that you upload CSVs mapping students, OUs/Security Groups, and students and parents so that On-Call analysts can get help for the student in case of an emergency. The onboarding process includes a sample CSV for your reference.
Per OU/Security group CSV
When uploading this CSV please ensure that you have filled out all the fields in the CSV accurately. These are the expected entries for each of the columns:
- School Name: This is the name of the school that the contact person belongs to.
- School notes: You can add any additional information about the school or about contacting the school that the On-Call team needs to know about. For example, school hours or if only specific people can be contacted over weekends or holidays, etc.
- Contact Name: This is the name of the person assigned for the specific OU/security group as the point of contact for the On-Call analysts.
- Contact Order: You can assign multiple people to one OU/security group. The numbers in this column indicate the order in which the On-Call analysts can contact the individuals listed in the CSV. For example, if Mr. Smith is assigned, number 1 in the Contact Order field and Ms. Robertson is number 2, then the On-Call analysts will first attempt to contact Mr. Smith and in case they fail to contact them, they will contact Ms. Robertson.
- Contact Job Title: This should include the designation of the contact person.
- Office Phone: This should include the office/school number for the contact person.
- Office Phone Notes: You can add any additional notes that you would want the On-Call analysts to follow when contacting this person. This could include information such as, "Use this only between 8 am and 3 pm."
- Cell Phone: This should include a cell number that can be used to contact the person in case the Office Phone number is not reachable at the time of the emergency.
- Cell Phone Notes: You can add any additional notes that you would want the On-Call analysts to follow when contacting this person's cell phone. For example, "Use Cell Phone number only on weekends."
- Contact Email: This should include the email address of the contact person.
- Contact Status: This should be defined as either 'On' or 'Off'. This means that the contact is available and can be contacted, or is not available.
- School OU Groups: This column should list the OUs/security groups to be monitored by the contact within the school indicated.* Note that the system automatically checks for all child OUs for any OU name mentioned in the CSV so as to not miss out on contacting the school for a relevant event.
Sample CSV.
Per parent CSV
When uploading this CSV please ensure that you have filled out all the fields in the CSV accurately. While not all fields are mandatory, it is recommended that you provide complete information to allow the On-Call analysts to provide law enforcement with accurate information if a wellness check is needed for the student.
Here are the expected entries for each of the columns.
- Student First Name: This should include the student’s first name as listed with the school.
- Student Last Name: This should include the student’s last name as listed with the school.
- Student Email: This should include the student’s email address belonging to the school domain.
- Parent First Name: Include the parent’s first name if available.
- Parent Last Name: Include the parent’s last name if available.
- Address: This is the student's address.
- Parent Email: The email address of the parent as registered with the school.
- Parent Contact Number: This should include one contact number (cell phone, home, work, etc.) that the On-Call analysts can share with law enforcement in case of an emergency. Note that Securly never contacts parents directly.
- Relationship to Student: Please specify how the contact is related to the student.
- Contact Order: You can list multiple parents for one student. Please specify which parent is most likely to know where the student may be in case of an emergency.
- Grade: Include the grade the student is in
- Additional Information 1: Any other information that you want to add about that student and/or parent that would help the On-Call team better handle any incident for this student.
Accurate and updated information is critical to ensuring that On-Call analysts can respond to a flagged incident on time. We recommend that you upload your CSVs whenever there are any changes to the contacts assigned to the OUs/Security Groups or parent information on file with your school.
*For Azure users, it is recommended that you avoid duplication of security group names so that contacts are mapped accurately. If multiple groups with the same name are found, then contacts are mapped to each of the security groups. For example: If Contact 1 is assigned to security group named "Teacher", and if you have five security groups named "Teacher", then Contact 1 will be assigned to all five security groups with that name.
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