Managing custom files

The Custom Files Import Method enables Dyknow Administrators to mass-import student roster data (.csv files) into Dyknow via SFTP. To upload and/or update roster data in bulk using the Custom Files Import Method, Dyknow Administrators must prepare their Custom Files by:

  • Exporting data from their Student Information System (SIS) into .csv files; and,
  • Verifying that data meets the Custom Files import requirements. 

This document is a resource for Dyknow Administrators to understand how to:

Prerequisites: Manage Roster Import Settings and Setup Dyknow FTP Folder Connection



Importing roster data into Dyknow using the Custom Files Import Method requires you to prepare the following data sets/unique .csv files:

  • Schools.csv file;
  • Users.csv file (or separate StudentUsers.csv and StaffUsers.csv files); and,
  • Schedule.csv file (or separate Classes.csv and Enrollments.csv files).

Review the tables below to identify the data requirements for each type of custom file:

Schools.csv (not required if there are not multiple schools)

 Column Name  Description
 School Code  Unique value assigned to the school by the district;
 To be referenced in all remaining import files
 School Name  Name of the school that corresponds to the School Code



 Column Name  Description
 School Code

 Unique value assigned to the organization;
 Must match a School Code in the schools.csv file;
 Not required if there aren't multiple schools and no schools.csv file

 User ID  Unique value assigned to the user
 Username  Unique value to identify students on Windows and Mac devices
 Email Unique value used to identify students on Chromebook devices and Staff users for login
 First Name  User first name
 Last Name  User surname
 Role  Dyknow user role (Student, Teacher, Tech Coach, or Administrator)
 Grade Level

Student user's grade level;

Dyknow accepts the CEDS-specified grade level codes listed here where single digits require a leading zero (ex: KG, 01, 02,...09, 10, 11, 12)


StudentUsers.csv (not required if all students and staff are included in a single Users.csv file with Role defined)

 Column Name  Description
 School Code  Unique value assigned to the organization;
 Must match a School Code in the schools.csv file;
 Not required if there aren't multiple schools and no schools.csv file
 User ID  Unique value assigned to the user
 Username  Unique value used to identify students on Windows and Mac devices
 Email  Unique value used to identify students on Chromebook devices
 First Name  User first name
 Last Name  User surname
 Grade Level

Student user's grade level;

Dyknow accepts the CEDS-specified grade level codes listed here where single digits require a leading zero (ex: KG, 01, 02,...09, 10, 11, 12)


StaffUsers.csv (not required if all students and staff are included in a single Users.csv file with Role defined)

 Column Name  Description
 School Code

 Unique value assigned to the organization;
 Must match a School Code in the schools.csv file;
 Not required if there aren't multiple schools and no schools.csv file

 User ID  Unique value assigned to the user
 Email  Unique value used to identify staff users for login
 First Name  User first name
 Last Name  User surname



 Column Name  Description
 School Code  Unique value assigned to the organization;
 Must match a School Code in the schools.csv file;
 Not required if there aren't multiple schools and no schools.csv file
 Class ID  Numeric value assigned to each class
 Class Section  Name of section to which each class is assigned;
 Helps distinguish classes with the same class ID
 Term ID  Value used to identify the semester during which each class meets
 Class Name  Name of the class
 Class Period  Period during which the class meets
 Start Date  Date the class begins
 End Date  Date the class ends
 Teacher User ID Unique value assigned to each student, which must match a user ID in the users.csv file
 Student User ID Unique value assigned to each student, which must match a user ID in the users.csv file


Classes.csv (not required if using a Schedule.csv file)

 Column Name  Description
 School Code  Unique value assigned to the organization;
 Must match a School Code in the schools.csv file;
 Not required if there aren't multiple schools and no schools.csv file
 Class ID  Numeric value assigned to each class
 Class Section  Name of section to which each class is assigned;
 Helps distinguish classes with the same class ID
 Term ID  Value used to identify the semester during which each class meets
 Class Name  Name of the class
 Class Period  Period during which the class meets
 Start Date  Date the class begins
 End Date  Date the class ends
 Teacher User ID Unique value assigned to each teacher, which must match a User ID in the users.csv file


Enrollments.csv (not required if using a Schedule.csv file)

 Column Name  Description
 School Code

 Unique value assigned to the organization;
 Must match a School Code in the schools.csv file;
 Not required if there aren't multiple schools and no schools.csv file

 Class ID  Numeric value assigned to each class
 Class Section  Name of section to which each class is assigned;
 Helps distinguish classes with the same class ID
 Term ID  Value used to identify the semester during which each class meets
 Student User ID  Unique value assigned to each student;
 Must match a user ID in the users.csv file



  • For best results, all three (or four) of the .csv files identified above should be uploaded simultaneously.  If the account is only for a single school, a Schools file and School Code field are not required.
  • Custom Files are flexible, meaning their file names, column headers, and column order can vary.
  • A header row is NOT required for these files.
  • More than one Teacher can be assigned to a Class. When multiple Teachers are listed for a class, all will be assigned to the class and displayed in alphabetical order.
  • For Grade Level, Dyknow only accepts CEDS-specified grade level codes listed here where single digits require a leading zero (ex: KG, 01, 02,...09, 10, 11, 12).  If you are unable to export student Grade Levels in this format, Dyknow can apply replace rules by request.
  • These are our recommended fields; please include all that are available in your SIS.
  • To view examples:
    • Navigate to the Dyknow Admin Settings > Import Manager > Setup tab;
    • Locate the Upload section;
    • Click see examples



1. From your SIS, export the set of data that best matches the Custom Files' requirements identified above.

2. Upload your Custom Files to the Dyknow SFTP server's /upload folder.

Note:  Read the Upload Roster Import Files to SFTP article for step-by-step instructions.

3. Log in to Dyknow.

4. Click the gear icon gear_icon.PNG; you will be redirected to the Dyknow Admin Settings.

5. Click the Import Manager tab.

6. Click Setup.


7. Locate the Select section.


8. Click the dropdown below Users file and select your users.csv file.


9. Locate the Map section.  If your file has header columns, check File has a header.  If not, leave unchecked and go to the next step.


10. Click the dropdowns named Unmapped Column and choose the correct description for each column.


11.  If the file does not contain all Required Fields listed in red, check Missing required fields and select the fields that are not included in the file.  Once you have all columns mapped and checked off any missing fields, then click the blue Save Completed Files button in the top right.


12. Repeat steps 7 – 11 for all remaining files until all files show a green check mark under Select section.

13. Click the blue Continue: Process Import button and you will be directed to the Import tab.


15. Click the blue Process Import button.


16. You will receive an Import Results confirmation email once your import is complete.

Note: If you are importing roster data for the first time or your data contains errors or major changes that exceed Import Thresholds, you will receive a Check Your Data email in addition to the Import Results confirmation email. To review and validate import errors, read the Validate Paused Imports article.

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