How do I use Securly as faculty group user?

As a faculty group user, you will receive an email from Securly with your login credentials. The Securly admin console can be accessed via the Securly website -

Enter the credentials specified in your email and you are done. 

Depending upon the kind of access your school admin has granted you, you will see either both or one of the following:

Activities & Policy Editor for Filter

. Activities

Dashboard & Activities for Aware



The Activities tab

The Activities tab contains the complete log of activities for students/users from the OUs that have been assigned to you for monitoring. 

For Filter the default view will display the most recent "All Activities". This includes blocked, allowed, and all activities. You can choose to view only Blocked, Allowed, or All activities by selecting one from the dropdown.


For Aware the Activities tab contains the complete log of activities for students/users from the OUs that have been assigned to you for monitoring. 

The default view will display the most recent "All". This includes tab Grief/self-harm, bullying, violence, Profanity, and Gun terms. 


Activity breakdown

For Filter each row of activities will include the following information:

  1. URL to visit/ keyword search/ social media post.
  2. The date and time stamp for that activity.
  3. Email address and name of the user who performed the activity.
  4. The category it belongs to.
  5. Quick access links to the website in question 
  6. Additional details about the activity. 

For Aware each row of activities will include the following information:

  1. The date and time stamp for that activity.
  2. Email address and name of the user who performed the activity.
  3. The geolocation of the device from which the activity was done (only for flagged activities). Note that this is only displayed if the relevant settings are enabled by the admin and the user has accepted geolocation tracking.
  4. All suspicious activity will be displayed in activities.

Search options

For Filter the search field allows you to search for activity by site name, user email address, and keyword. You can also narrow down the activity for a specific time period by selecting a date range from the calendar widget. 


For Aware, the search field allows you to search for activity by site name, user email address, and keyword. You can also narrow down the activity for a specific time period by selecting a date range from the calendar widget. 


Activity sorting


The activities are further segregated into the following to make it simpler for you to access specific data.  

  1. Recent: Most recent activities of all types. 
  2. Sites: These are the websites that the users have visited.
  3. Videos: This will list all YouTube videos that the user searched for and watched.   
  4. Searches: This lists the keywords that the user searched for.
  5. Wiki: Tells you what the student searched for or viewed specifically on Wikipedia.
  6. Social Posts: This will display all activity on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. 


  1. All aware activity is sorted by the various AI categories that the Aware analyses user activity on - Grief/Self-harm, Bullying, Violence, and Profanity. Each of the sorting tabs displays a number indicative of the number of new activities logged there since your last visit. 
  2. Depending upon the configurations set by your admin, there might be a difference in the email alert notifications you receive and the activities displayed here. The Aware > Activities tab displays all activities irrespective of whether an email was sent to you or not. (Please check with your school admin if you notice a difference.) Also, we do not send email alerts for events marked as profanity. 

Confidence levels

Along with displaying the details of individual events, te Activities tab also displays the confidence level assigned to the event. Aware activities  include geolocation information or other details about the event as in the case of the Activities tab. 

The confidence level is an indicator of the probability of a suspicious event belonging to a particular category. Our sentiment analysis engine categorizes events like grief, bullying, and violence. The higher the confidence level, the higher the probability of the event belonging to the identified category. Please note that the confidence level and the urgency of the alert are not related. A higher confidence level should not be interpreted to mean a higher level of urgency of the alert.

Downloading reports

You can download reports for any specific user, activity type, or date range. By clicking the ‘Reports’ button you can get reports in either PDF or CSV format. 



Using the Bot

To help you quickly raise a ticket or give us feedback, a chatbot is located in the bottom right corner of the screen. You can use this to send an email and raise a ticket with our support team. 


Or you can search for a knowledge base article from our KB portal. Just type in a keyword or topic you want to look up.

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