How do I install Aware for Gmail?

To begin scanning emails using Aware with Securly, you will need to change certain settings and configure an additional route in your Google Admin Console. Creating a new route would route all emails sent or received by students to Aware’s monitoring servers. Aware will then scan all these emails using Sentiment Analysis and send alerts to your Aware Dashboard. This document will walk you through the process of setting up the Aware for your school. 

Note that Org. unit or Security group configurations do not impact the scanning of emails or alerts by Aware. Org. unit and Security group configurations are considered only for Google Drive scanning. Emails will be scanned and alerted upon irrespective of whether any Org. units or Security groups are configured. 

Setup Steps:

  1. Sign up for Aware by navigating to
  2. Log in to your Google Admin Console.
  3. From the left sidebar navigate to Apps > Google workspace > Gmail       Awaresetupnew.jpg                                          
  4. The ‘Settings for Gmail’ page will be displayed. Click ‘Hosts’. Awaresetupnew1.jpg
  5. Now click ‘ADD ROUTE’. Awaresetupnew2.jpg
  6. Give an appropriate name to the route. E.g., Aware-SMTP. 
  7. Add email servers as per your regional cluster. Your cluster will be displayed to you on the first screen of the setup wizard. 
  • US East:
  • US West:
  • Canada:
  • US East2:
  • APSE:
  • UK:
  1. Make sure that you uncheck the 'Require mail to be transmitted via a secure (TLS) connection' option and check the 'Perform MX Lookup on hosts' option. If you want to install via TLS for greater security, please refer to the article here.Awaresetupnew_plain_1.jpg
  2. Click ‘Save’.      
  3. Now, go back to the ‘Settings for Gmail’ page and scroll down to ‘Routing’ and click ‘Configure’. Awaresetupnew9.jpg
  4. If you already have some routing configured, you will get an ‘Add another rule’ button. Awaresetupnew10.jpg
  5. Give the route a name and select all the checkboxes under ‘Messages to affect’. Awaresetupnew4.jpg
  6. Scroll down further and check ‘Add more recipients’ under ‘Also delivered to’ and click ‘Add’.

    Note that sometimes the route is not added. Please check this article on how to resolve if your route cannot be saved.       Awaresetupnew5.jpg

  7. Select ‘Advanced’ from the dropdown and check the 'Change route' checkbox. Under it, select the route you previously created from the drop-down instead of the 'Normal route'. Awaresetupnew6.jpg 
  8. Scroll down and uncheck the ‘Do not deliver spam to this recipient’ checkbox under ‘Spam and delivery options’ and the ‘Remove attachments from messages’ checkbox under ‘Attachments’. Click ‘Save’.                            Awaresetupnew8.jpgAwaresetupnew7.jpg
  9. Click ‘Save’ again to finally save the route to the OU.
  10. To set up routing for the other OUs, follow the same process.
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