How to Allow or Block Websites, Domains, or Keywords in Securly Filter



The Securly Filter console lets you allow or block websites, domains, or keywords in addition to those in the Securly database. You can either add these domains and keywords at a global level or at an individual policy level.

Policy Level Settings

Any domains or keywords added to the Allow or Block list here will only be applicable to users who have been assigned that particular policy.


  1. Log in to your Securly Filter Console.
  2. Navigate to Policy Editor and select the policy for which you want to add to the Allow/Block list.
  3. To add search terms to the list:
    • Select the ‘Search terms’ tab, and enter the keyword in the field.
    • Click the (...) more icon and select either ‘Exact’ or ‘Contains’ to determine how keyword searches are allowed or blocked.
      • Example: If you add the keyword “butt” and select ‘Exact’, then only the word “butt” will be allowed or blocked on various search engines.
      • If you add the keyword “butt” and select “Contains”, then all words such as “butterfly” will be allowed or blocked on the various search engines.
      • Similarly, you can add a phrase such as "momo challenge" and select either 'Exact' or 'Contains' to allow or block the phrase on various search engines.
  4. To add URLs:
    • Select the ‘URLs’ tab and add either:
      • Specific domains such as
      • Wildcard domains such as * (this will allow/block all subdomains of
      • Full URL such as
      • Keywords such as examplekeyword. Keywords will be applicable only as part of the URL path.

Note: The Default Policy does not have an allow list by design. The Default Policy should be your most strict policy. If you would like to allow something for the default policy, instead add it to the Global Allow list, but this will allow it for all users.

Global Level Settings

Any domains or keywords added to the Global Allow or Block list here will be applicable to the entire user base.


  1. Navigate to Policy Editor > Global Settings > Allow/Block and add the URLs or keywords there.
  2. Select the Search terms or URL tab to add to the lists at the Global level. You can use the following formats in the relevant tabs:
    • Top-level domain: *.com, *.io (this will allow/block all domains with the specified TLD)
    • URL: (You can add such URLs to the blocked list. The Global Allow list lets you add only some URLs to avoid crowding and conflicts between rules.)
    • Subdomain: * (this will allow/block all associated subdomains)
    • Keyword: examplekeyword (You would need to select either “Exact” or “Contains” as mentioned previously to define how it should be implemented and also include an asterisk before the first letter and after the last letter with no spaces in between)

Note: Any domains you add to the Global Block List that are not present in our database will be sent to PageScan for further analysis.


You can also write to us and submit domains to be added to the Securly database.

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