How to uninstall the Securly SSL Certificate from BYOD devices?

The Securly SSL Certificate is important to help us effectively filter categorized HTTPS sites. The SSL Certificate is only required when on a network that is forwarding its internet traffic to Securly (with the exception of traffic being applied to the Guest Network Policy).  If a BYOD device is no longer on such a network, the SSL Certificate is inert and provides no function. Suppose a user is no longer on a network filtered by Securly and would like to remove our SSL Certificate. In that case, this document will explain the simple steps necessary for its removal. We do caution that it's important that you only remove the Securly SSL Certificate, as all other SSL Certificates in the Trusted Root are necessary for successful everyday web browsing.

Windows devices

To uninstall the Securly SSL certificate from Windows devices, navigate to Microsoft Management Console > Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder > Certificates. Look for the Securly SSL certificate and right-click to get the “Delete” option. Click “Delete” to remove the SSL certificate. 


To uninstall the Securly SSL certificate from an iPad or any iOS device, navigate to Settings > General > Profiles and look for the Securly SSL profile. Tap the “Delete Profile” option to delete the Securly SSL certificate from that device. 


To uninstall the Securly SSL certificate from the MacOS, go to the Keychain Access > System > Certificates and look for the Securly SSL certificate. Right-click the certificate and delete it. This should remove it from your device completely.   

Chrome OS

To uninstall the Securly SSL certificate from your ChromeOS, go to chrome://settings -> Advanced -> Manage Certificates -> Authorities.  Look for the Securly SSL certificate in there and click “Delete”. This should delete the certificate from your Chromebook or another ChromeOS device.


To uninstall the Securly SSL certificate installed on an Android device, go to Settings > Security > User Credentials and look for the Securly certificate. When you tap the certificate, you will be asked if you want to “Remove” it. Click “Remove” to uninstall the certificate from your device. Note that navigations for Android might differ from device to device, but it would still be available under Settings > Security. 

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