How to enable Drive SDK API in Google Workspace for Aware onboarding?

The Drive SDK API in the Google Workspace admin console allows third-party applications to work on files stored on Google Drive. This authorization is essential to help Securly access the Google Docs on the school’s Google Drive and is a crucial step in enabling Aware for your school. 

To enable the Drive SDK API:

  1. Log in to
  2. Navigate to Apps > Google Workspace > Settings for Drive and Docs > Features and Applications driveSDK_new.jpg
  3. Scroll down to Drive SDK and click on the edit button.
  4. Verify if the checkbox is selected. If not, select the checkbox for Drive SDK to enable access to files on Google Drive. driveSDK_new1.jpg
  5. Click on ‘Save’ to save the settings

Along with enabling Drive SDK API, it is also essential that you provide Securly access to the relevant school Google Drive data. This will allow Aware to begin scanning Google Docs for sentiment analysis or identify images with nudity on Google Drive. Without this access, your Aware setup would be incomplete. 

To authorize Google Drive data access:

  1. Log in to
  2. Navigate to Security >Access and data control > API controls and scroll down to the Domain-wide delegation. 
  3. Click Manage Domain Wide Delegation and on the next page click Add new. domainwidedelegation_new.jpg
  4. In the ‘Client Id’ field input the following: 107250024911550132389
  5. In the ‘OAuth scopes’ field input the following comma-separated URL string:,,,,  


If you want to use the nudity email recall feature, add the following URL strings as well:,,,,

      6. Click ‘Authorize’.                    emailrecallonboarding4__2_.png         

Note that it may take up to 24 hours to establish the necessary connections with Google and your setup might, therefore, take up to 24 hours to complete. If you wish to test if any Google Docs are being flagged, please wait 24 hours to avoid getting an error. 

Please note Aware only scans documents that are edited or created once Aware has been activated.  Aware will not retroactivately scan old documents or iimages.

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