How does Securly's extension work?

Securly offers different solutions depending on the device you use. The Securly Chrome Extension is the preferred method of filtering Chrome OS (Chromebooks / Chromeboxes).

The Securly Chrome extension is a user-based extension that is deployed via the Google Workspace Admin console. The same extension is used for Securly Filter, Securly Aware, and Securly Discern.  When a user logs into a Chrome browser on Windows, OS X, or into a Chrome OS device, they will get the Securly Chrome Filtering Extension, but it will not filter or log traffic. The extension is only active on Chrome OS. The extension works like an ad blocker and blocks entire websites directly on the device. It uses Google's filtering API directly on the device to view traffic. This provides a deep level of inspection for traffic without any Man in the Middle (MITM) decryption. If you use a Securly DNS filtering solution in conjunction with the Chrome Extension filter, the SSL certificate should be deployed to Google Workspace.

The extension requires that the user is logged into the device with a registered school domain. If a domain is not found, the extension will be deactivated and allow all traffic to pass without filtering or logging. Note: Ensure you have signed up for a Securly account and have all domains registered before deploying the Securly Chrome extension.

All Securly filtering solutions use unified policies set in the Securly UI. The school admin creates and assigns policies to users and OUs via the Securly Admin UI. Settings in the Securly user interface do not enable filtering. Policies and filtering only affect users with the Securly Chrome extension enabled. When traffic is passed through the Securly extension to filter, it calls out to the Securly server and checks if the site is allowed or blocked. It checks other parameters applicable to the user as per the policy assigned to him and displays or blocks the site accordingly. The user’s activity is logged by the Securly server and displayed in the school admin via the Securly Admin UI.    

The Chrome extension usually works with on-site proxy-based filtering solutions because Securly works directly on the device at a different level. Note that if you have another filtering solution that uses a Chrome extension to filter, it can conflict with the Securly solution.

To ensure you get the most out of the Securly extension, check out our best practice guides. This will help you prevent users from circumventing Securly filtering solutions.

If you want an easy and efficient way to filter your Chromebooks, the Securly Chrome Extension is the perfect fit. There is no cap on the number of devices you filter, nor does it compromise any CIPA requirements. The Securly Chrome extension ensures that your students always stay safe online.    

Additional Info: Securly Filter Extension Versions

Securly Filter has a small number of extensions to choose from depending on your environment. Securly recommends using our self-hosted extensions where possible as we can more quickly and easily control the version of the software that is released. With the Google/Microsoft hosted extensions there is a considerable delay when we publish updates and if there are any issues it takes a similarly long time to push fixes or updates. 

Important note for G-Suite Admin Console: When pushing out a Securly-hosted extension using G-Suite Admin Console, please ensure that the Update URL setting is changed to "Installation URL" instead of the inherited Google default "Updatecheck URL..."

Important note for GPO/InTune: When pushing out a Securly-hosted extension using Group Policy or InTune, make sure to configure extension management settings and set  "override_update_url": true for each extension you deploy. e.g. {"ckecmkbnoanpgplccmnoikfmpcdladkc":{"override_update_url":true}}

Browser Extension ID Version
Chromebook Only ckecmkbnoanpgplccmnoikfmpcdladkc 2.98.55 (PKG24+7775 / Nov 2024)
Chrome Browser (macOS/Windows) kfiocjonplkilcjfgabfngiddebalkod 2.98.55 (PKG24+7775 / Nov 2024)
Edge Browser bmlalgfmolfmkjmnikbphgijefopggme 2.98.55 (PKG24+7775 / Nov 2024)
Securly-hosted extensions ( YOUR FID /update-manifest.xml)
Browser Extension ID Version
Chromebook Only joflmkccibkooplaeoinecjbmdebglab 2.98.73 (PKG24+7814 / Jan 2025)
Chrome Browser (macOS/Windows) lcgajdcbmhepemmlpemkkpgagieehmjp 2.98.73 (PKG24+7814 / Jan 2025)
Edge Browser adncfiefnfjddkdlfcckejoefaoehcdf 2.98.73 (PKG24+7814 / Jan 2025)
Securly-hosted generic extensions (
Browser Extension ID Version
Chromebook Only iheobagjkfklnlikgihanlhcddjoihkg 2.98.67 (PKG24+7766 / Jan 2024)
Google-hosted extension
Browser Extension ID Version
Edge Browser dfkheabholbfmmehflddbknjimnjelda 2.98.44 (PKG24+7766 / Dec 2024)
Microsoft-hosted extension

Some experimental extensions are usually published for specific tests to be completed by customers, these are listed here for completeness but should only be used under instruction from a Securly support team member.

Browser Extension ID Version
Chromebook nldffgleokocdcddeocjmdgneoinbhfb 2.98.0 (Think Twice)
Chrome Browser (macOS/Windows) hgpppmjalkmcmloikkbmonbpdakcklfp 2.98.0 (Think Twice)
Edge Browser bjnmaaglmedeickpbmlhmjkndenggend 2.98.0 (Think Twice)
Chromebook khfcjmoagjdbcchabenkohfbllefkbei 2.98.0 (MV3)
Chromebook hgmfginomehjpgpacpjnjaijecknnaog 2.98.51 (PKG-20 Beta - DNS Failsafe)
Chrome Browser (macOS/Windows) ehpfmanenigliflmbaiihbppncilhaha 2.98.50 (Beta)
Chromebook knneimmpeamikmjijmnhjmmobddleohj 2.98.60 (REL-6435)
Edge Browser cppgiodhimhhljofjomebpcgliegpddd 2.98.61 (FILTER-3880)
Chrome Browser (macOS/Windows) pmjdkmdfhcbecicgaenammmpamphljpe 2.98.61 (FILTER-3880)
Chromebook bemnimicbokkfdkgbghbpaelcagifglp 2.97.1 (QA)
Experimental Securly-hosted extensions (
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