How do I track emails sent to parents?

Securly Home sends emails to parents for various reasons, such as when they are first added to the system (Welcome emails), and at the end of each week to give them a summary of their child’s activities (Activity emails). Securly Home allows administrators to track and manage these emails, as well as subscribe or unsubscribe individual parents so they receive them.

Start by navigating to Securly Filter > Parents > Manage emails. From this dashboard, you can effectively monitor email activity, including:

  • Upcoming emails: View how many parents are scheduled to receive a welcome email and the approximate send time.
  • Confirmation of sent emails: Check the date and time when a welcome email was sent to confirm successful delivery to a parent.
  • Email status: Find out when the last email was sent or skipped, and the reason for any skips.
    Pausing or resuming emails.
  • Pausing or resuming emails

Monitoring Activity emails

In the Activity emails dashboard, you can monitor the current email status (whether emails are being sent or paused) along with details such as the number of sent emails, skipped users, bounced emails, and the next scheduled email date.

Each parent record shows the status of the emails sent to them, along with basic information like email addresses and their child’s data. To view the reason for “skipped” or “not sent” statuses, hover over the exclamation icon to reveal a tooltip message. It will also display the last sent email date. For bounced emails, the tooltip will display only the last sent date.

You can also filter the table using the status selector, or search for specific records using the search bar. To refine your search, you can also combine the search bar results with different status filters.
At the top right of the table, you'll find three action buttons:

  • Refresh button: Updates the table with the latest information.
  • Download button: Saves the table as a CSV file, reflecting the current filter and search settings.
  • Gear button: Allows you to customize the table by hiding or rearranging columns or resetting the view to default.

Monitoring Welcome emails

In the Welcome Emails dashboard, you can view the current state of email sending (paused or resumed), the number of recipients, the date and time when the pause started, and the date and time of the next scheduled email.

Note: The "Receiver Count" indicates the number of users scheduled to receive a welcome email on the next planned date.

The parent record table functions similarly to the one in the Activity Emails dashboard. However, in this dashboard, you will also find an "Action" column with a mail icon. Clicking this icon allows you to manually send a welcome email to individual parents. To send emails to multiple parents at once, use the checkboxes to select them and then click the "Send" button at the top of the table. Note that this action will only work if the welcome emails are in the “RESUMED” state.

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