How do I manually install the Securly SSL certificate in Chrome?

You may want to install the Securly SSL certificate in your Chrome browser to ensure the best browsing experience. The certificate does not control the level of filtering or what sites are allowed. The certificate will prevent errors on sites that Securly decrypts. Without the certificate, sites like and will show privacy errors, and users will perceive this as the internet is “broken”.    

To install the Securly SSL certificate manually in Chrome, open Chrome://settings in your Chrome browser (version Version 100.0.4896.127 and above)

Installing on Chromebook (ChromeOS)

  1. Download the Securly certificate. (securly_ca_2034.pem)
  2. On the chrome://settings page and click ‘Privacy and Security' in the left-hand column. sslnew.jpg
  3. Then click 'Security' and scroll down to 'Manage Certificates'. sslnew2.jpg
  4. Under the "Your Certificates" tab, click "Imports" to start the certification installation process. You can alternatively also click "Import" in the "Authorities" tab as well.
  5. Once the certificate is installed it will be displayed under the "Authorities" tab.

Installing in Chrome browser for Windows OS

It is recommended to install this to the Windows Operating system using the automated process by downloading the executable file attached at the end of this article. The Chrome browser will read from the Windows OS certificate store.

  1. On the ‘chrome://settings’ page complete steps 1 -3 as in the section on ‘Installing on Chromebook’.
  2. A certified import wizard has been launched. Select the certificate file and finish the wizard.
  3. The installed certificate will be displayed under the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" tab.

Note that if you are using a Chrome browser version below Version 100.0.4896.127 you might experience some differences in navigation. This is because Google made changes to its Settings page in this version.

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