What’s New in Classroom 9.3 - November 2023

Admin Dashboard

A dashboard is now available to administrators that provides valuable insights into their school or district’s usage of Classroom. Admins can choose from a variety of widgets to track key usage stats and better understand how Classroom is being used by teachers and students.

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To change what widgets are shown, click the gear icon in the upper right of the main dashboard area. You can also filter data by school or by date range with these controls.


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Detail View Interface Improvements

The “Share Screen” and “Save Screen” buttons now have text labels to make them easier to find from the student detail view.

Student Selection Interface Improvements

We found that some users were having difficulty with the Student Selection screen before starting class and were instead waiting to exclude or include students until after the session started. We’ve updated the design to make this process more intuitive.

Improvements to Chat

There have been several improvements to the chat function

  • Websites inside chat will now function as hyperlinks.
  • Students can now fully close the chat window and chat bubble from their screen. It will automatically reappear the next time a teacher sends a chat message. 
  • Printed chat transcript headers will now list both the teacher and student names involved in the chat.
  • Sometimes text from chat could not be copied. This has been fixed.

Other Changes

  • Using Site Lock for Canvas assignments will now work properly on Chromebooks.
  • Students who join a class after a teacher sends an announcement will now receive that announcement upon joining.
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