What's New in Classroom 8.6

Scheduled Classes can now be different for each day of the week

A new option is provided to choose the same or different start time and class length for each day of the week in class settings.  Thanks to Alexis S., Jo. W., Matt M, and others for the suggested feature improvement!



Idle Notifications

Teachers can now see when student devices are inactive for more than 1 minute.  The indicator will be shown in thumbnail and tab view.   Thanks to Cory U. for the feature suggestion!



Import Students Into a Class via CSV File

It's now possible to use a CSV file to add students to a class.  Thanks to Jorden G. for the suggestion.




  • Admins will now get an email report of any students that were skipped during a roster sync process.  This can happen when there's a problem with the student record in the source system, such as a missing email address.



  • In Class Session History, the class name column could not be expanded to view longer class names
  • Student thumbnail images would disappear and take some time to display after using the Pin or Chat functions.  
  • When setting a holiday, the chosen dates did not always save properly
  • Teacher screen share was not always working from Safari
  • Selecting blocklists in the class start options was not always working properly
  • When returning from a chat, sometimes the entire list of student would no longer show in thumbnail view
  • The Audit Log activity column was not sorting properly
  • For Chromebook Lost Mode, recorded screenshots were not always visible in the user interface afterwards
  • Canvas sync was not displaying sync progress when using Force Sync
  • When Google Classroom sync was getting enabled or disabled, it was not getting recorded in the Audit Log
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