How to integrate Canvas and Aware

The Aware-Canvas integration includes specific steps that need you to log in to Canvas as an account admin. When completing step 3. you will be asked to verify with Canvas to complete the integration process. You must use an email address that is also in your current OU / Security groups synced with Securly. This OU / Security group must also be enabled for Aware scanning by selecting the checkbox to the left. Make sure you have the necessary credentials available before you begin. 

(Note that Aware-Canvas integration is currently under Beta testing, and it is recommended that you contact our support engineers to begin using it.)

  1. Log in to Aware and navigate to Account Settings.                                               canvas3.png
  2. Here you will find the Canvas tab. Toggle the switch to enable Aware scanning for Canvas. canvas4.png
  3. Copy the Data service notification URL and then move on to the Canvas steps. canvasdataservice.png
Canvas steps: Setting up Data Services
  1. Log in to Canvas as account admin.
  2. On your left-hand menu, select Admin and select the account you want to integrate with Aware.   
  3. In the menu that displays, scroll down and select Data Services. (Note that Data Services will be displayed only if you have it installed. Please refer to this article to learn how to install.)
  4. On the Data Streaming Options page that opens up, click the Add button.
  5. Give this new service a name (for example Data Service for Securly) and select HTTPS as your Delivery Method.
  6. In the URL field add the Data Service Notification URL that you copied. 
  7. Make sure to keep the Sign Payload checkbox unchecked.
  8. The Message Type should be set as Canvas, and the Application Type as Data Streaming.
  9. Under Subscriptions you need to select the following for both User-Generated and System-Generated columns:
    1. Attachment > attachment_created 
    2. Attachment > attachment_updated
    3. Conversation > conversation_message_created 
    4. Discussion Topic > discussion_topic_created
    5. Discussion Topic > discussion_topic_updated
    6. Discussion Entry > discussion_entry_submitted 
Canvas steps: Setting up Developer Keys & generating Consumer Key
  1. Now from your left-hand menu select Developer Keys 
  2. Select API Key option by clicking the Developer Key button. 
  3. On the Key Settings page you would need to provide a name (such as Key for Securly) and the email address.
  4. The Redirect URL is an important component for scanning. The URL varies according to the cluster you are on: 
    1. US-West =
    2. US-East-1 =
    3. US-East-2 =
    4. UK =
    5. Europe =
    6. APSE =
    7. Canada =
  5. You may skip the rest of the fields, except for Client Credentials Audience, which should be selected as Canvas. Do not check the checkbox for Test Cluster only.
  6. This will now generate a key for Securly, which you need to copy and paste back into Aware under the Consumer Key field. To avoid integration failure, it is critical that you turn the key on first by clicking the On button before proceeding. 
Canvas steps: Generating Consumer secret
  1. On the same Developer Key page, click the Show Key button.
  2. This will display an alphanumeric string, this is your consumer secret. 
  3. Copy this string and paste it in the Consumer secret field from the Aware UI.
Get the URL - Configuration Steps (continued)
  1. Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret that you generated in your Canvas account under the relevant fields. 
  2. The last field is the URL, which is the first part of you Canvas URL. Make sure you include http or https when copying over the URL section as seen in the screenshot below. canvas1.png
  3. Click Verify to start the integration process. canvas5.png
  4. You will be redirected to Canvas for authorization. Click Authorize in Canvas. canvas2.png


Note that this process may take some time to complete and it is perfectly fine to navigate away from the Aware tab while that happens. 

If you have not imported OUs before, please make sure to do that to begin scanning and receiving email alerts for Canvas activity. 

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