How to use InTune to deploy the Securly Edge Extension?

The Securly Edge Extension is one of the easiest ways to begin filtering your student devices. If you are using InTune, please use the steps below to deploy the extension on your devices. You can also deploy using Active Directory GPO.


1. Sign in to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center

2. Select Devices > Windows > Configuration profiles > Create profile. intunecreateprofile.png

3. Select ‘Platform’, ‘Windows 10 and later’, and then select ‘Settings catalog (preview)’. Click on the Create button.

4. On the Basics tab, enter a descriptive name, such as Manage Edge Chromium Extensions, then select Next. config_profile_name_basicstabs.png

*Note this will manage all extensions for Edge, similar to GAC managing Chrome extensions.

5. In Configuration settings, select Add settings.

6. Select Microsoft Edge, Under Extensions, to see all the settings in this category. intuneprofile1.png

7. Select ‘Control which extensions are installed silently’. intuneprofile2.png
8. Navigate back to ‘Settings picker’ and select ‘Control which extensions cannot be installed' and add “*”. This will prevent other extensions from installing in the Edge browser. intuneprofile3.png
9. Click ‘Review + Save’ and then assign the new profile to the users. Edge_extensions_groups__1_.png

When the configuration profile is complete, it will take time for the extension to push out for the users. It will depend on the sync frequency between the Windows device and InTune. If you have a testing device handy, you can find the device and force the sync. Learn more about that here.

Additional Info: Securly Filter Extension Versions

Securly Filter has a small number of extensions to choose from depending on your environment. Securly recommends using our self-hosted extensions where possible as we can more quickly and easily control the version of the software that is released. With the Google/Microsoft hosted extensions there is a considerable delay when we publish updates and if there are any issues it takes a similarly long time to push fixes or updates. 

Important note: When pushing out a Securly-hosted extension using G-Suite Admin Console, please ensure that the Update URL setting is changed to "Installation URL" instead of the inherited Google default "Updatecheck URL..."

Browser Extension ID Version
Chromebook Only joflmkccibkooplaeoinecjbmdebglab 2.98.68 (PKG-23 / Sep 2024)
Chrome Browser (macOS/Windows) lcgajdcbmhepemmlpemkkpgagieehmjp 2.98.68 (PKG-23 / Sep 2024)
Edge Browser adncfiefnfjddkdlfcckejoefaoehcdf 2.98.68 (PKG-23 / Sep 2024)
Securly-hosted extensions (
Browser Extension ID Version
Chromebook Only iheobagjkfklnlikgihanlhcddjoihkg 2.98.65 (PKG-23 / Sep 2024)
Google-hosted extension
Browser Extension ID Version
Edge Browser dfkheabholbfmmehflddbknjimnjelda 2.98.42 (PKG-23 / Sep 2024)
Microsoft-hosted extension

Some experimental extensions are usually published for specific tests to be completed by customers, these are listed here for completeness but should only be used under instruction from a Securly support team member.

Browser Extension ID Version
Chromebook nldffgleokocdcddeocjmdgneoinbhfb 2.98.0 (Think Twice)
Chrome Browser (macOS/Windows) hgpppmjalkmcmloikkbmonbpdakcklfp 2.98.0 (Think Twice)
Edge Browser bjnmaaglmedeickpbmlhmjkndenggend 2.98.0 (Think Twice)
Chromebook khfcjmoagjdbcchabenkohfbllefkbei 2.98.0 (MV3)
Chromebook hgmfginomehjpgpacpjnjaijecknnaog 2.98.51 (PKG-20 Beta - DNS Failsafe)
Chrome Browser (macOS/Windows) ehpfmanenigliflmbaiihbppncilhaha 2.98.50 (Beta)
Chromebook knneimmpeamikmjijmnhjmmobddleohj 2.98.60 (REL-6435)
Edge Browser cppgiodhimhhljofjomebpcgliegpddd 2.98.61 (FILTER-3880)
Chrome Browser (macOS/Windows) pmjdkmdfhcbecicgaenammmpamphljpe 2.98.61 (FILTER-3880)
Chromebook bemnimicbokkfdkgbghbpaelcagifglp 2.97.1 (QA)
Experimental Securly-hosted extensions (
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