How to login to Dyknow and reset password

The Dyknow portal login is for educators only. There is no website or application to which students will login.

This document is a resource for Dyknow Teachers, Tech Coaches, and Administrators to understand how to:



Follow the steps below to login to Dyknow.

1. Navigate to

Note: Bookmark this website! This is the website where you will login to Dyknow and access your assigned Classes to monitor.


2. There are six ways to sign into Dyknow:

Option 1: Sign in with Google

  • If your school email address is stored within Google Workspace for Education, click Sign in with Google.
  • Note: Your school email address does not need to have the suffix in order to use the Sign in with Google option. However, using your personal address will not work; your login email must match your Dyknow user profile.
  • Note for Admins: If you receive a <Error 400: admin_policy_enforced> message, you may need to configure Securly in your Google Admin console.  To do so, please follow these instructions:
    1. Login into Google Admin as an admin.
    2. Click Security > scroll down and click API Controls.
    3. Click Manage Third-Party App Access.
    4. Click Add App > select OAuth App Name or Client ID.
    5. Search for the following Client ID:
    6. Select the Securly app > check off the Client ID and click Select.
    7. Select Trusted: Can access all Google services.
    8. Click Configure.
    9. Once configured, log out of Google Admin and close your browser.
    10. Reopen your browser and go back to to Sign in with Google.


Option 2: Sign in with Microsoft Azure AD

  • If your school email address is stored within Microsoft Azure AD, click Sign in with Microsoft Azure AD.
  • Note: Your school email address does not need to have the or suffix in order to use the Sign in with Microsoft Azure AD option. However, using your personal address will not work; your login email must match your Dyknow user profile.
  • Note for Admins: The Securly Admin/Student Login application can be added automatically on first login.  To do so, please follow these instructions:
    1. Click Sign in with Microsoft Azure AD.  You must be attempting to sign in as an admin.
    2. If an email already exists, click the three dots to the right of the email and click Forget.
    3. Enter your email address (as an admin user) and click Next.
    4. Enter your password and click Sign In.
    5. The Securly Admin/Student Login app will request permission.  Check Consent on behalf of your organization and click Accept.
    6. Sign in to be directed to your Dyknow homepage.
  • Please also complete the following to confirm the application is allowed and proper settings are enabled:
    1. Login to as an admin.
    2. In the search bar, type Enterprise Applications and click Enter.
    3. On the Enterprise Applications page, search for Securly Admin/Student Login with App ID: 32f79990-71d1-43ec-9b49-67e6faffe076
    4. Click Properties.
    5. Select Yes for Enabled for users to sign-in?
    6. Select No for User Assignment required?
    7. Click Save.

Option 3: Sign in with Clever

  • If your school email address is stored within Clever, click Sign in with Clever.
  • Follow the instructions from Clever.

Option 4: Sign in with Classlink
  • If your school email address is stored within Classlink, click Sign in with Classlink.
  • Follow the instructions from Classlink.

Option 5: Device Console ID
  • If your school email address is stored within Securly Device Console, click Sign in with Securly Device Console ID.
  • Follow the instructions from Securly.

Option 6: Dyknow ID Login (formerly Standard Login)
  • If you are an existing Dyknow customer, click Sign in with Dyknow ID
  • Enter your school email address into the School Email field.
  • Enter your password into the Password field.
  • Click Login.

Note: When logging into Dyknow for the first time, follow the Reset Password instructions below. For security purposes, teacher passwords are not pre-loaded into Dyknow.

Note: If you are receiving a User expired error when attempting to log into Dyknow, this means your account is currently archived in Dyknow under Previous Users.  Please contact your Dyknow Admin to have your account unarchived.



Follow the steps below to reset the password for your Dyknow User profile.

1. Navigate to

2. Click Sign in with Dyknow ID


3. Click the Forgot Password hyperlink; you will be redirected to the Recover Password page.



4. Enter your school email address into the Email Address field.


5. Click the Recover Password button; a Recover your Dyknow Password email will be sent to your school email inbox.


6. Go to your school email inbox and locate the Recover your Dyknow Password email from Dyknow Support.

7. Click the hyperlink in the Recover your Dyknow Password email; you will be redirected to the Dyknow Reset Password page.


8. Enter your new password into both the Password and Confirm Password fields.


9. Click the Reset Password button to login to Dyknow; you will be redirected to your My Classes dashboard.


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