Upload Roster import files to FTP folder (Dyknow Classroom)

FTP software enables Dyknow Administrators to manually upload their Dyknow import files to the Dyknow FTP folder for import into Dyknow throughout the year. FTP – or File Transfer Protocol – is simply a tool for moving files online, to and from servers.

Dyknow Administrators connect to Dyknow’s FTP server via an FTP client (like FileZilla). Once the connection is established, data files within your Dyknow FTP folder will automatically be validated, processed and imported by Dyknow.

This document is a resource for Dyknow Administrators to understand how to:

Prerequisite: Setup Dyknow SFTP Folder Connection



Follow the steps below to upload your roster import files to the Dyknow FTP folder using FTP client FileZilla.

1. Open FileZilla.

2. Click File from the FileZilla main navigation menu.

3. Click Site Manager.

4. Within the Site Manager picklist, click Dyknow to open your Dyknow site; the main FileZilla window will populate with your Dyknow site details.


5. Locate the Local site column.

6. Use the local pane directory to bring into view the roster import files that need to be uploaded.


7. Locate the Remote site column.

8. Use the remote pane directory to identify the desired target folder – /upload – on the Dyknow FTP server.


Note: Files must be sent to the /upload folder, not to the root folder. Files sent to the root folder will result in an error.

9. Select your roster import files and drag them from the local pane to the remote pane’s /upload folder. Or simply right click on the files to be uploaded from the local pane directory and then click Upload.


Note: You’ll notice the files will appear in the remote pane. They’ll also be added to the list of Queued Files, at the bottom of the FileZilla window. Depending on the transfer results, these files in queue will move to either the Failed Transfers list or the Successful Transfers list shortly thereafter.

10. Verify a successful transfer in the Status section at the top of the FileZilla window; a successful upload will display your uploaded file names as “successful.”

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