How to manage roster import settings?

Dyknow’s Import Manager feature enables Dyknow Administrators to configure import settings and process their SIS roster data.

This document is a resource for Dyknow Administrators to understand how to:

Prerequisite: Always Allow Dyknow in Content Filter



Follow the steps below to identify your SIS in Dyknow Import Manager Settings.

1. Log in to Dyknow.

2. Click the gear icon gear_icon__1_.PNG; you will be redirected to the Admin Settings.

3. Click the Import Manager tab.

4. Click Settings.


Note: The Import Manager Settings tab will automatically appear for Dyknow Administrators logging in for the first time.

5. Locate the Student Information System (SIS) field.

6. Click to enter or select your SIS in the Student Information System (SIS) field.

Note: Your SIS will likely determine your Import Method.

7. Continue to Select Import Method.



A school’s Import Method is often determined by its SIS. School roster data can be mass-imported into Dyknow in one of two ways:

  • Via direct API integration - the most efficient option; no files required!
  • Via SFTP client - the most customizable option; includes templates!

Follow the steps below to select your Import Method in Dyknow Import Manager Settings.

1. Log in to Dyknow.

2. Click the gear icon gear_icon__1_.PNG; you will be redirected to the Admin Settings.

3. Click the Import Manager tab.

4. Click Settings.


5. Locate the Import Method field.

6. Select your Import Method; review the options below:

Direct API Integration Options

Synchronize your roster data with Dyknow via direct integration with your SIS’s API.

Standard Export Options

Synchronize your roster data with Dyknow via standard exports from your SIS.

Dyknow Files

Create import files, using your SIS data, that match Dyknow’s data import templates.

Custom Files

Generate exports from your SIS and create custom data mappings that match these import requirements.

Manual Entry

Manually create Users and Classes one-by-one in Dyknow; ideal for schools without an SIS and schools unable to export data from their SIS.

7. Continue to Determine Import Frequency.



Import Manager Settings allow Dyknow Administrators to select if their SIS roster data should be imported manually on-demand or have Dyknow automatically process new files Daily at approximately midnight ET:

Follow the steps below to schedule your school roster data for daily import.

1. Log in to Dyknow.

2. Click the gear icon gear_icon__1_.PNG; you will be redirected to the Admin Settings.

3. Click the Import Manager tab.

4. Click Settings.


5. Locate the Import Frequency section.

6. Select Daily - Import my data changes every day before classes start.

7. Enter email addresses for any admins who should receive import result notifications in the Who should receive import results emails? field.

8. Continue to Schedule Data Rollover Date.



Import Manager Settings allow Dyknow Administrators to schedule their annual rollover, which is the date that Dyknow archives existing user data to prepare for the next academic term/year. The next data import - the first, post-rollover import - will bring back many of the archived users (e.g. students that didn't graduate), in addition to the new classes.

Note: Classes are not archived during rollover; classes get archived according to their own End Dates.

Follow the steps below to schedule your school roster data for daily import.

1. Log in to Dyknow.

2. Click the gear icon gear_icon__1_.PNG; you will be redirected to the Admin Settings.

3. Click the Import Manager tab.

4. Click Settings.


5. Locate the Rollover section.

6. Select a date for When should Dyknow archive data to begin the rollover process?

Note: Your selected Rollover date will be in alignment with the Time Zone you've identified in your account's Blackout Settings.

7. Click Continue: Setup.


Note: Dyknow Administrators will receive a rollover notification in the Dyknow portal 30 days prior to auto-archiving User data.

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