Where can I find gun term searches in Securly Filter and Securly Aware?

Securly Filter allows you to configure gun-related searches to be flagged in Aware. Monitoring gun terms can be configured at a policy level and would display the activities under the flagged activities section. This does not block gun-related searches in Filter; it only flags them in Aware. 

  1. To configure gun term monitoring, navigate to Policy Editor > policy of your choice in Securly Filter
  2. Toggle the switch for ‘Flag gun-related searches’ to begin monitoring for that policy. Note that the activities will be flagged in Aware and not Filter.
  3. You can also click the bell icon next to the switch to receive alert notifications whenever someone searches for gun terms.
  4. To view activity, login in to Securly Aware and then navigate to Activities. Select Gun Terms tab.
  5. Similar to other flagged activities, gun term search events also allow you to navigate out to the actual search by clicking the view icon; get details of that event such as policy, OU, IP, etc; and geo-location. 

If you have enabled email notifications, then you will also receive alert emails for each gun-related activity. gunterms2.jpg

To successfully receive alerts for gun-related flags, the following conditions should be satisfied:

  • Filter Policy Configuration:
    • Ensure that the filter policy is set to Flag Gun-Related Searches.
    • This allows monitoring of gun terms within the specified policy.
  • Notification Setup:
    • Make sure the bell icon next to the "Flag Gun-Related Searches" option is lit green. This confirms that you have opted to receive notifications regarding these flagged searches.
  • Context in Aware:
    • Check that the faculty groups in Aware have the "grief" search alerts checked. This ensures that any alerts linked to gun-related searches are applied to the designated faculty groups.
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