Understanding icons on the activities page in the Filter Dashboard.

  1. accessedicon.png- This indicates that the activity was an allowed activity and the user was able to access the website. 
  2. blockedicon.png- Blocked activity
  3. flaggedicon.png- Flagged activity
  4. infoicon.png- Hovering over this will display details of the event such as Policy, Category, IP, OU, etc. 
  5. externalwebsiteicon.png- Clicking this icon will take you to the actual site, search, or video that the user was on. 
  6. blockbutton.jpg- This is displayed only for accessed activities and if you think that the particular activity should have been blocked, you can click this to block it globally.
  7. allowbutton.jpg- This is displayed only for blocked activities and if you think that the particular activity is safe to be allowed, you can click it and allow it globally.
  8. geolocationcion.jpg- This is displayed only for flagged activities and indicates the location of the user/device when the flagged activity was done. If geolocation tracking is not enabled, then the icon will appear greyed out. (Learn about device location here.)   
  9. The labels indicate the category that the event belongs to. Note that safe search is not a category, but a recommended setting that ensures your users are always displayed safe results. Learn about safe search here. In the case of uncategorized websites, the label displays Uncategorized and indicates that the website was not categorized by Securly.                                                                          categoriesicon.png
  10. Every event also includes favicons of the website that they visited or blocked. In the above screenshot, you can see favicons for Google, Hotstar, and Pinterest. 
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