Can parents pick up multiple students from school?

Yes.  Both the web version and the Visitor app allow parents to pick up multiple students, provided that an association has been established with the students they are picking up via SIS or the Guardian/Student Matrix. 

If that association has not been established . . .

Using the iPad app

  • The visitor will need to enter the student's parent/guardian's name and phone number for verification.  A one-time password will be sent to the child’s parent/guardian's mobile number; and upon successful verification, the guest will be able to pick up the student(s). 

Checking out at the front desk

  • The school's front desk staff will need to verify the visitor's information and enter the necessary exception details (i.e. - Grandparent picking up grandkids).  That information will become part of the log for future reference.

Please see the Visitor Admin Guide for additional details.



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