Release notes - (Nov 2021)

The latest release includes some great new features and enhancements in addition to other bug fixes:

1. Blocked page enhancements: The blocked page displayed to users when they attempt to access a blocked website has been updated to include more information that can help admins and teachers better understand why the site/page was blocked. The information can also be shared with Securly's support team in case troubleshooting is required for the said page.

2. Bug fixes:

  • Schools admins attempting to log in to the Ideas portal using their Azure account were unable to do so. This has been fixed.
  • If a prefixing URL is present in the Global Deny list, then any site with that prefix is blocked as well. For example: If is blocked, then will be blocked as well.
  • It was found that the OU structure on the Policy Map page would not load completely if the previous action by the admin was to assign an OU to a policy via that page. We have fixed this.
  • We have ensured that all subdomains are blocked for the user if the domain is added to the policy deny list as a wildcard in the format *
  • Sometimes, students attempt to download a blocked site locally using Chrome. To ensure that such blocked sites are not downloaded we will be checking for HTML downloads and blocking the download or removing the downloaded files hereafter.
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