Nucleus UI for Classroom FAQ

How do I access Nucleus UI?

You will see a "Switch to Nucleus UI" link in the top right area of the screen when you log in to Device Console. 


Can I switch back and forth between the Nucleus UI and the Classic UI for Classroom?

Yes. A link is available at the upper right of the screen in both the Nucleus UI and Classic UI that allows you to toggle between the two different interfaces.

The Classic UI will remain available through August 1st 2022.


As an administrator, can I allow teachers in my school/district to also try Nucleus UI?

Yes. You can enable access to Nucleus UI for any user role from the Permissions area. Simply enable the "Allow Nucleus UI" permission for any user type.


How can I enable student profile pictures to display in Nucleus?

In Nucleus UI, student profile pictures pulled from Google Workspace are shown in certain areas. In order for this feature to work, you will need to reauthorize Securly’s access to your Google Workspace account to allow Securly the access needed to sync student profile pictures.

You can do this by going to Settings menu in the Classic UI. Click on the Google tab and then click “Reauthorize”. Follow the prompts to allow Securly the necessary permissions and you then will be able to see student profile pictures when using Nucleus UI.


Please note that when this reauthorization occurs, a full sync with Google Workspace will begin, which can take several hours based on the size of your domain.

What’s different in Nucleus UI for Securly Classroom?

Nucleus UI introduces some major updates to the look and feel of Securly Classroom. Despite this, most functions are still available in the same areas you’re used to seeing them in the Classic UI. Here are some notable differences between the two interfaces.

Classes - Classic

Classes can be started from the Teacher Tools menu, and managed from the Classes area.


Classes - Nucleus

All class-related functions, both add/edit AND starting classes are all available from the Classes menu. Classes can now also be displayed in a card format as well as a table.


Class List - Classic

Each class type from a different rostering source is listed on a separate tab in the Classes menu (Manual and Google Classroom, Schoology, Classlink, etc.)


Class List - Nucleus

All classes are shown in a single list in the Classes menu. The class source is shown on the card or in a column in the table.


Class Functions - Classic

When in a class, labeled buttons for Screen Lock, Push URL, etc. are shown above the student list.


Class Functions - Nucleus

When in a class, large icons for class functions are displayed along the top of the screen. Labels appear on hover.


Table column arrangement - Classic

Columns can be dragged and dropped to rearrange them.


Table column arrangement - Nucleus

Rearrange columns by clicking on the gear icon.


Web Link Collections - Classic

Web links are created in the main Web Links menu. Collections are created by selecting existing web links, then clicking “Create collection.”


Web Link Collections - Nucleus

The collection creation workflow is slightly different. Click “Add Collection” and choose from existing web links, or add new ones manually from the side panel.

10._Nucleus_-_Web_Links_1.png 11._Nucleus_-_Web_Links_2.png

How do I start a class in the Nucleus UI?

Starting a class in Nucleus UI is slightly different than in the Classic UI. Here’s a quick walkthrough of how to start a class in Nucleus.

  1. Go to the Classes menu. This view is where you’ll have access to all your classes, regardless of their source. You will be able to add/edit and start classes all from this screen.
  2. Click on the “Start” button in the lower right corner of a class’s card.
  3. Deselect any students that should be excluded from the class session (such as students that are absent), then click “Continue” in the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. Verify the length of the class, and configure any other class session options you would like.
  5. Click “Start Now” to begin the class.

What if I use MDM and Classroom?

If you also use Securly MDM alongside Classroom, you will see some MDM options that are released in Nucleus UI, but for access to the majority of MDM functionality, you will need to switch back to the Classic UI.

I have some feedback/found a bug! How can I provide feedback?

You can provide your feedback by joining us in the Securly Lounge. Your feedback is appreciated!

For critical issues, particularly those not resolved by switching back to Classic UI, our regular support channels are available. The Lounge is a great place for non-critical issues, discussion, and feedback.

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