What happens when in-school policy and parent policy overlap?

The ability to assign multiple policies to an OU can give rise to a situation where two or more policies overlap for a specific time frame, or time-based policy and parent policy overlap. In such a situation, the following rules would apply when determining which policy is applied.

  1. If the student is off-campus and the exception window setting is turned on, then the parent policy will not be applied. The in-school policy will take precedence.
  2. If the student is off-campus and the exception window setting is turned off, then the parent policy will take precedence over the in-school policy. 

When the kid is on campus, the priority assigned to a policy would be used to determine which policy takes precedence in case more than two policies overlap. For example, if policy A has priority 4 and policy B is priority 3, and they overlap between 3 & 4 pm, then policy B will be applied during that period.  

Off-campus policy application rules


Exception window Enabled

Exception window disabled

Parent policy

Does not apply

Priority 1

Take home policy

Does not apply

Priority 2

In-school policy

In-school policy as per the priority assigned to a policy. 

Learn how to assign priority to policies here.


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