How do I add new users to Custom Groups?

Custom Groups allow admins to create special groups of users and assign them a filtering policy that is different from the policy assigned to their OU. Custom Groups can include users from multiple OUs. 

You can add/edit users to a Custom Group at any point in time after the groups have been created. To do this:

  1. Log in to Securly Filter or Securly Aware and navigate to the Policy Map.
  2. Select the policy you want to add users to the Custom Groups for. You can also select All Policies. 
  3. Go to the 'Custom Groups' tab and click the more icon (...) to view the 'Add Users' option. customgroup_nucleus1.jpg
  4. You can add users individually or upload a CSV, the maximum CSV size is 10 MB.customgroup_nucleus3.jpg
  5. Alternatively, you can click on the name of the Custom Group to view its details. customgroupnucleus2.jpg
  6. Click on the More icon (...) to view the 'Add Users' option and add users as in step 4. 
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