How do I manage what OUs On-Call monitors?

You can enable On-Call monitoring for specific OUs for either Sites & Searches or Drive & Email, or both. While you can choose any of the OUs you have for Sites & Searches monitoring, On-Call monitoring for Drive & Email events is only possible for OUs for which Aware scanning is enabled in Google Workspace. (Check out this KB to learn how.) 

To manage OUs for On-Call

  1. Log in to Securly Aware and click on the On-Call or Cases menu on the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Click on the Manage tab to manage org units.                                                                                    
  3. Select/Deselect the OUs you need to update On-Call monitoring for. 
  4. You can also toggle the button for Sites & Searches or Drive & Email for each OU to specify which OUs (and which activities) should be monitored by On-Call.

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