How do I customize the blocked page content?

Whenever a user attempts to access a blocked category/domain/URL, a blocked page is displayed to him. The content on this blocked page can be customized if required.

You can customize the following aspects of the blocked page:

  1. Custom message
  2. Contact Admin or Temporary Allow button
  3. School Logo

Customize the blocked page message

  1. Login to your Securly account.
  2. Navigate to the Policy Editor > Global Settings and enter your content in the "Blocked page message" field.  blockedpage1.jpg

Button options

  1. Show the 'Contact Admin' button on the blocked page. To do this, go to the Policy Editor > Global Settings > Show 'contact admin' button. contactadminbutton.jpg
  2. Allowing teachers to approve site options. You can allow teachers to approve sites for their students in class directly. To give this access, navigate to Policy Editor > policy, you need to edit > 'Authorize users assigned to this policy to approve sites'. allowteachers.jpg

Upload your school logo

You can also upload your school logo to be displayed on the blocked page. To do this:

  1. Navigate to the Account Settings page and click the Upload Logo tab.
  2. Upload your school logo in either JPEG, PNG, or GIF format. Make sure that it is no more than 5MB in size. 
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