To ensure that you can access the Securly admin console without errors, it is essential to add Securly as an Application to your API control in Google Workspace.
1. Log in to your Google Workspace admin console and navigate to Security > Access and Data Control>API controls. Click on the 'MANAGE THIRD-PARTY APP ACCESS'.
2. Now select 'OAuth App Name or Client ID' from the dropdown for 'Add app'.
3. Search for 'Securly' and you will be displayed all the Securly apps. You can select the one you need to enable access for.
4. Select the OAuth Client ID checkbox.
5. Click on 'Select' and then the radio button for 'Trusted: Can access all Google services' on the subsequent page. 6. Click on 'Select' and then the radio button for 'Trusted: App can request access all Google data' on the subsequent page.
7. Click 'Continue' then Review and click ‘Finish’, here you are done.
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