Securly Filter can accommodate on and off-campus filter with best in class products. Whether your school has a plan for distance learning or if you have yet to come up with anything official, Securly can help! We have been able to help schools successfully deploy thousands of devices in as little as 30 minutes.
For Chromebooks, our Chromebook extension can be applied via Google Admin console. This is a user-based extension that can be pushed out per OU. This is super helpful if you only want to filter students and not staff. However, if you wish to filter all users, it can be applied across the entire domain with just a few clicks. How to Install the Securly Chrome Extension?
Securly’s patented SmartPAC is an amazing tool to ensure students are filtered anywhere. It works similarly to an agent, but without the overhead added to the device’s limited resources. It performs selective proxy filtering to ensure that only interested sites are proxied - all other traffic goes directly to reduce latency while maintaining CIPA compliance. For Windows devices, SmartPAC can be enforced via Group Policy or MDMs such as Intune and Filewave. How to Implement SmartPAC Via AD GPO?
In order to leverage SmartPAC, you’ll also want to ensure the Securly SSL Decryption certificate is pushed out as well.
How to install SSL Decryption Certificate via Group Policy
Securly’s patented SmartPAC is an amazing tool for iPads as well. For iPads, SmartPAC can be enforced via MDMs like Securly MDM, JAMF Pro, JAMF School, Filewave, Airwatch, Meraki, etc. How to Configure Securly Filtering on iPads?
SmartPAC User - Injection
Additionally, if your school is going 1:1 with Windows, Mac, or iOS devices, you can leverage user-injection for transparent authentication.
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