How to build Mac Packages for distribution through Securly MDM

This article describes how to use the free "Packages" app to create a Mac installation package from an app on your computer.  We currently support uploading packages up to 600 MB in size (updated as of 4/20/2018). 

MDM supports unsigned, bundle-style packages, not raw packages.  MDM does NOT support DMG packages.

  1. Download and install Packages from this site: 
  2. Launch the Packages app on your Mac
  3. With "Distribution" selected, click on 'Next'.Dist.png

  4. Enter a name for your project.  For this example, we will be creating a distribution package for the VLC app, so we will use the name "VLC Install Package."  Click the Choose... button and select a location for the project folder.  We will select the desktop for our example, to make it easy to find.  Click on Create. New_Project.png
  5. The package window will open with your project loaded.  Click on the name of your package under the PACKAGES header on the left.                                                             VLC_PKG.png
  6. Click on the Payload tab. Payloads.png
  7. You can now create your package by adding items to the appropriate folders in the Contents area, primarily the Applications folder. Contents.png
  8. Click the Applications folder in the Contents window to highlight it, then click the + button at the bottom to add a file. Applications.png
  9. From the selection window, choose your Applications folder, then find the application you wish to install and select it.  In our example, we will choose the VLC application. For "Reference Style" keep the default, "Absolute Path" and press Add. VLC.png
  10. You should now see your app under the Applications folder. You may have to click the expand button to see it. Application_Folder.png
  11.  If you wish to create more than a simple app installation package, you can continue by adding other items to the appropriate folders, but for our example, this is the only item we'll add.  Now click Build from the Build menu on the menu bar. Build.png
  12. You will have the option to save changes to your project. Save.png
  13. Once your package build is complete, you will see a successful window. Success.png
  14. You can now open the project directory folder you selected at the beginning of this guide. Your package file will be located inside the "build" folder.  This is the file you will upload to the MDM Device Console as described in the Adding Mac Packaged Apps section of the User's Guide and help file.End.png


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