How to manage email filters set up for Aware notification?

Email filters are a great way to sort and manage emails from recurring users, domains, subject lines, etc. You may have already set them up to manage the Aware alert notifications emails from Securly. If the filter is set by “Subject” then there is a possibility that it might be impacted in view of the changes made to the subject lines to reflect enhanced Aware features.

We recommend that you edit your email filters to reflect the new subject line so that you do not miss out on any email alerts from Aware. At this time the subject lines are being updated to reflect the confidence level for the event. For example, this is what a new subject line will look like now - “Alert: Potential Bullying Activity Detected (Confidence Level: 5)”

Editing filters for Gmail

  1. Log in to the Google account that receives Aware+ email alerts.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Filters and Blocked Addressesgmailfilter1.jpg
  3. Scroll to the filter you want to make changes to and click on 'edit'. 
  4. Update the 'Subject' field with the new subject line. If you have multiple email alerts set up for different confidence levels, make sure to adjust the filters to reflect the confidence levels you have selected. gmailfilter2.jpg
  5. Click “Continue” and then “Update filter”. filteremail3.jpg

As a best practice, it is recommended that you place such emails under a folder for Aware as in the screenshot. If you have not created a dedicated label, you can do so by selecting the checkbox for “Apply the label” and creating a new label from the drop-down option for “New label”. It is also advisable to select the checkbox for “Never send it to Spam” to ensure that you don’t miss any alerts. 

Your email filter will now start sorting emails with the new subject line.

Editing email rules for Outlook

  1. Log in to the Outlook account that receives Aware email alerts.
  2. Navigate to File > Manage Rules & Alerts. outlookfilter1.jpg
  3. In the Email Rules tab, check the box next to the rules you want to update. outlookfilter2.jpg
  4. Click Change Rule > Edit Rule Settings...outlookfilter3.jpg
  5. Under Step 2 of the “Rules Wizard” click the underlined value as directed by the wizard.  outlookfilter4.jpg
  6. In the “Search Text” field add the new subject line that you want to add the filter for. In this case, it will be a version of “Alert: Potential Bullying Activity Detected (Confidence Level: 5)”. outlookfilter5.jpg
  7. From the “Search List” field remove the old subject line. outlookfilter6.jpg
  8. Click “Finish” and then “Ok” to save your changes. outlookfilter7.jpg

Outlook will now start sorting Aware emails according to the updated rule. 

Editing email rules for Mac

  1. Log in to the Mac inbox that receives Aware email alerts.
  2. Navigate to Mail > Preferences > Rules
  3. Select the Rule you want to edit and click “Edit” macemailfilternew1.png
  4. Update the condition fields with the new subject line. In this case, it will be a version of “Alert: Potential Bullying Activity Detected (Confidence Level: 5)”
  5. Click “OK” and then “Apply” to complete the setup. macemailfilternew2.png

Your new Aware email alerts will now be sorted according to the updates rule.

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