How to block students from accessing public Google Drive links?

While file sharing via Google Drive is easy and commonly used by students, it can also be an easy way for students to share inappropriate or illegally obtained copyrighted material. To best protect your students, we recommend the following best practices for restricting their access to publicly available Google Drive links outside of your domain. This will ensure that only content that your students can share and view is safe and trusted. 

You must modify certain settings in Google Admin Console to manage such sharing via public Google Drive links. To do this: 

  1. Log in to your Google Admin Console at
  2. Navigate to Apps > Google Workspace and select the OU you want to implement restriction for.
  3. Now go to Drive and Docs > Sharing settings 

  4. Under the 'Sharing options' field, select the option to turn off the sharing of files outside of your organization. This will block users from sharing Google Drive files with users outside of your organization.  


  5. Ensure that the checkbox for allowing users in your organization to receive files from users outside your organization is unchecked. This will ensure that students cannot access external files containing potentially harmful content. 

If you want to implement even more stringent rules for public sharing via Google Drive, please refer to this KB from Google

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