How to set Google Admin to force load the Securly Classroom extension for students?

ChromeTools runs as a Chrome extension when students log in with their school-issued email address. You can configure this extension and push it out to all students from your Google Admin console.

These instructions will step you through the process of creating the extension entry just once, at the root of your domain, to make it easy to go choose multiple OUs later where you want to configure it to force install. Creating this at the root will not cause it to be installed on all devices as we won't be able to set it to force-install at this level.  This method allows you to define it just once, then select it later on any OU and set it to force-install. This is useful if you need to set it up to run on multiple OUs that are all sub-OUs under a single higher-level one. However, you may also choose to select a lower-level OU to set up the extension in the first place.

  1. The App ID and URL for the Chrome extension can be found in the Device Console on the “Google” tab under “Settings.” You will need to copy and paste these values into the Google Admin console in steps 5 and 6.  Screen_Shot_1.png Note: Be sure to use the values for the Chrometools extension and NOT the ones for the Lost Mode Kiosk.
  2. Navigate to  Device management > Chrome management in your G Suite admin console from the main menu.         Chrometools2.jpg
  3. Select "Apps & extensions" Chrometools3.jpg
  4. With your root OU selected, define the extension. Later we will choose which OUs we want to select for force-installation of the app. Alternatively, you can choose the sub-OU now, but keep in mind that you may have to do this for multiple OUs if they are not all sub-OUs of a higher-level one.
  5. Click the + button in the lower right corner and then select the button to add a Chrome app or extension with your ID. Chrometools4.jpg
  6. Copy the value of the Extension ID from the Device Console. 
  7. Next, choose the option "From a custom URL" and copy the URL from the Device Console in that field. Click “Save.”  2020-05-08_15-36-16.png
  8. The extension should now appear in the list set for "Allow install."
  9. Select the OU you want to install the extension for, from the left-hand column. Usually, this will be the highest level OU that contains your student accounts.  All sub-OUs belonging to the selected OU will also receive an extension by inheritance. Remember that if you install the extension at the root of your domain, it will be pushed out to all users, not just students.  Admin.png
  10. Now that you've selected the student OU, find the extension from the list and change the setting from "Allow install" to "Force install." 

The OU is now configured to force install the ChromeTools extension for all users when they log in. 

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