How do I choose the confidence level when creating custom email alerts for Aware?

Securly uses a sophisticated natural language processing and sentiment analysis algorithm that can infer sentiments in emails, Google Docs, and posts on social networking sites. With student safety our priority number 1, we train our engines to be extra careful and err on the side of caution when analyzing student activities. 

All suspicious activities are categorized as either grief/self-harm, bullying, or violence - the three categories that impact student safety the most. The confidence level indicates how accurate our categorization of an event is. The higher the level, the more accurate our categorization.  

When creating a Custom Email Alert for Aware, we allow you to choose a confidence level to determine your threshold for receiving email alerts. This does not mean that we will detect activities only above your selected confidence level; it only relates to the email alerts you receive. We will continue to flag all activities as usual and log them in the Aware tab. They will be available to you in the Aware tab at all times.    

For example: 

"Bringing a gun to schoolI'm going to do it, just bringing a gun and killing everyone."

Category: Violence, Confidence level: 5

"Hello, sending out my weekly email to see who is coming out to shoot tomorrow night at our place? Also, shooting on 8/14 is canceled due to a work conflict. We can shoot 8/21 if there is interest, I know it the day before state fair so not sure if that will work." 

Category: Violence, Confidence level: 2

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