Custom email alerts allow you to delegate the monitoring of flagged and suspicious activity to Faculty Group users such as teachers, other staff members, school counselors, etc.
To configure custom email alerts:
- Log in to Securly Filter and navigate to the Staff tab.
Select the Faculty Group you would like to create custom email alerts for and go to the Configuration tab.
- If you have not created a Faculty Group, you will first need to create one. Click here to learn how.
- If you already have a group created, scroll to the Configure Email Alerts section and select which type of alerts you wish to create. You can set up custom email alerts for both Filter and Aware.
- For Filter, select the applicable checkboxes.
- For Aware, you would need to create email alerts for email, drive, and nudity separately. Select the category and the Confidence Level each time. Click here to learn how to select a confidence level.
Faculty Group users will now start receiving email alerts as per your configuration. You can edit your custom email alerts by selecting the faculty group and making the necessary changes in the Configuration tab.
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