How do I know which of my Google Workspace OUs are scanned by Aware?

During the Aware setup process, you are required to create a new route that allows a copy of the emails to be sent to Aware to be scanned for grief, bullying, and violence. This route can be created for specific OUs individually, or inherited by child OUs when set up for the parent OU. 

To understand which OUs in Google Workspace are scanned by Aware, simply retrace the steps followed in the setup process.

  1. Login to your Google Workspace admin portal at 
  2. Navigate to Apps > Google Workspace > Settings for Gmail > scroll down to Routing
  3. Select an OU from the left-hand column.
  4. If you find a route for Aware configured there, it means that the OU is being scanned by Aware. You can select that OU for On-Call monitoring in your Securly portal.  
  5. If no route is configured for the selected OU it means that it is not being scanned by Aware. You will not be able to select that OU for On-Call monitoring. 
  6. If you selected a parent OU in step 3, it means that the child OUs belonging to that parent OU are also being scanned by Aware by inheritance, unless you have specifically chosen to disable Aware scanning for a child OU.


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