Can I block specific URLs for Chromebooks?

Yes, there are various ways in which students can attempt to bypass the filtering set by the school. One such way is to stop or disable extensions or modify settings for their Chromebooks. You can ensure that students do not disable extensions or modify settings by blocking certain URLs in your user settings.

To do this:

  1. Log in to your Google Workspace account at
  2. Navigate to Device > Chrome >Settings                                                                                   Device.png Settings.png
  3. Scroll down to User & Browser settings > URL Blocking > URL Blacklist
  4. Input the following URLs in the text field:
  • chrome://settings
  • chrome://extensions
  • chrome://addresses
  • chrome://settings/signOut
  • chrome://os-settings/osSignOut
  • javascript://*
  • chrome://kill
  • chrome://hang


    5. You can add more such URLs to the URL blocking field depending upon the pages you want students to stay away from.

The Securly portal also allows you to block or allow specific web pages, websites, and keywords to help you manage your students’ access effectively. To learn more, click here.

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