Why should I get SmartPAC?

The SmartPAC solution from Securly requires customers to download a PAC file and lets Securly manage filtering through it. Other than being a lightweight client that works on all platforms, here are some more reasons why you should get Securly’s SmartPAC filtering solution.

  1. It works great for off-premise filtering due to its compatibility with IPv6 and third-party portals (e.g., coffee shops, public libraries).   
  2. It can be easily installed via MDM.
  3. There is no need to edit Pac files (or get support teams to edit them for you) for exceptions.
  4. iPads work great with SmartPAC. SmartPAC works great with all types of platforms.
  5. Proxy hostile websites such as Netflix that do not work well with DNS solutions work great with SmartPAC.
  6. Users can block network-related apps using just the Global Deny List.
  7. It diverts a lot less traffic to Securly servers, thereby giving you even better performance.
  8. Lesser session timeouts as logins are persistent.
  9. Updates to SmartPAC are done at the client level and no software updates are required.

More enhancements are on their way with subsequent releases, making SmartPAC a great filtering solution for all your devices both on and off-campus.

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