How do I track activities in the admin audit log?

The admin audit log* allows school IT admins to keep a detailed track of the various configuration and setting changes that happen in the Securly portal.** This assumes importance because the Securly portal is accessible to multiple members of the staff, teachers, counselors, and other people the IT admin deems necessary. These users can make changes to settings or allow/deny sites depending upon their access levels.

If the admin audit log is available only to the super admin or the primary admin, delegated reporting group members cannot view this log.

To track the activities in the admin audit log:

  1. Log in to Securly Filter with your admin credentials.
  2. Navigate to your Account, then click "Audit Logs" in the dropdown. audit_logs.png
  3. A page will be displayed with details of all the activities undertaken by anyone with access to the Securly portal. audit_logs_history.png
  4. You can search for the keyword and filter it by product or user. To filter by product or user, simply click the appropriate name in the log. search.png
  5. You can also view activities for a specific duration by clicking the date stamp on the upper right-hand side of the log. You can view up to a month’s activity at any time.date_setting_in_audit_log.png

 *Note that this feature can only be enabled by contacting Securly Support at

**Note that the admin audit log does not track activities for tools external to Securly such as your Google Workspace account, or logs for Classroom by Securly at this time.

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