How do I enable geolocation tracking?

As schools roll out 1:1 devices and allow students to take school-owned devices off-site, the ability to track the device's location becomes an important aspect of device security for schools. This device tracking facility can be enabled at the discretion of the school admin.   

To enable geolocation tracking

  1. Log in to your Aware Console.
  2. Navigate to the Account Settings > Force device tracking
  3. Toggle the switch to Enable "Force device tracking".


Once you enable this feature, students will be required to allow location tracking on their individual browsers. If the student does not allow this, he will encounter a blocked page whenever he attempts to access any website.


If you are a Chromebook user, you can also force geolocation tracking for all your Chromebooks via Google Workspace. This would eliminate the need for students to accept location tracking as mentioned earlier in this article. 

To force geolocation via Google Workspace:

1. Log in to your Google Workspace admin account
2. Navigates to Device Management > Chrome Management > User Settings > Security > Geolocation
3. Select "Allow sites to detect user geolocation" from the drop-down geolocationnewnov18.jpg

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