How do I disable Aware for Gmail?

If you do not require Securly’s Aware services anymore, you have the option to disable the Aware from your Google Workspace account. Before you decide to disable Aware, please take a moment to consider that you will be losing out on critical alerts pertaining to the safety of your students. Without an Aware, you would no longer be able to scan your students’ emails for signs of grief, self-harm, bullying, and suicidal thoughts.

To disable the Aware:

  1. Login to your Google Workspace account.
  2. Navigate to Apps > Google workspace > Gmail > Advanced Settingsapps.pngWORKSPACE.pnggmail.pngadvanced_settings.png
  3. In the General Settings tab, scroll down to Routing and hover over it
  4. Click on "Disable".routing.png


This will disable the Aware for the current OU selected. This will need to be done for the OU’s that Securly Aware was enabled during installation.

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