How do I import OUs from Azure AD to Securly?

With Securly you can integrate Azure with the Securly web filter and import all your OUs within a few minutes. This facility allows you to assign different policies for each of the OUs based on their requirements.

Some things to remember before importing OUs from Azure to Securly:

  1. The Organization Hierarchy for Securly is mapped from the local Windows Active Directory (AD).
  2. Each user has two sets of credentials, one for the local Windows Active Directory (AD) Domain and one for the Azure AD. This can be synced with tools like Azure Connect, ADFS, Passive Authentication, or other 3rd party tools.
  3. When on a school network, Windows and macOS will use Windows AD credentials to authenticate with Securly. Other devices will use Azure AD username and password.
  4. When on an out-of-school network, Azure AD credentials will be utilized for all devices. Note that Chromebooks use Google API for authentication with Securly.
  5. If you want to use Securly off-site, you will need to add all users to have an Azure AD or G Suite user account.  
  6. Delegated reporting and Auditors are not supported for Azure users at this time.

Importing OUs for first-time users

  1. Login to the Securly UI using your Azure AD Global Administrator credentials at
  2. Navigate to the Policy Map and click on the 'Import OUs' button. OU_map.png

Note that this will only be available for Azure users from inside a registered school IP address. The import process requires communication between the local Windows AD and Securly.

    3. A pop-up with an "Import Now" button will appear. Click the button to begin the OU import from Azure to Securly.


Note that unlike with G Suite users, Azure users do not need to authenticate themselves again to initiate the import process.

  1. The import process will import 500 users at a time until all users are imported into Securly.


     5. Click Ok to complete the process.

     6. The imported OUs will be displayed to you under the ‘Policy Map’.

Note that at this time all OUs would automatically be assigned the default policy. You need to create and assign other policies to the OUs separately.

Manual import

If you make any changes to your OU structure in Azure, or add, edit and delete users, you would need to manually import the changes to Securly.

  1. Login to the Securly UI using your Azure AD Global Administrator credentials at
  2. Navigate to the Policy Map and click on the sync button.


     3. The OUs and user information from Windows AD will be re-imported to the Securly database.

You can now go ahead and assign policies to any new OUs that you may have imported.

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