How does Home differentiate between in-school and out-of-school activities?

The classification of in-school and out-of-school activities is based on the IPs a school register with us when they first set up Securly Filter. If the traffic doesn't come from one of the registered IPs, it is categorized as outside of school. The activities then allowed or blocked during school and out-of-school hours are determined by the filtering policies set for these periods. 

Admins can set a time frame for school hours, during which in-school policies apply, with out-of-school policies (like take-home and parent policies) taking effect afterward. To set this exception window, log in to Filter and navigate to Policy Editor > Global Settings > Set the exception window for out-of-school policies. Learn more about setting an exception window.

Note that Filter doesn't have specific controls to manage extended breaks, like summer vacation. During such times, administrators can turn off the exception window toggle in global settings, which will automatically make parent/take-home policy active. However, if you wish to have more control over student activity, you can turn on the exception window setting and set the working hours as required. Then, apply your custom policy and ensure that it has the highest priority. Learn about changing the priority of policies.

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