Reveal/Dyknow Crextnaut Migration Instructions


Here is a quick video detailing the process from start to finish. Your Extension ID will be different than in the video. Please see below.


Migrating from an existing Chrome extension requires the following general steps:

  1. Find your Installation URL
  2. Remove the old extension policy
  3. Add a new extension policy
  4. Configure the Installation URL
  5. Test


Locate your ID and Installation URL

Your ID and installation URL was included in the email we sent. It should look like this:
SAMPLE {fid} /update-manifest.xml SAMPLE


Remove the old extension policy

To avoid any conflicts or confusion, you will want to ensure that you have removed extension policies that previously were installing the Securly Extension.

Old Extension ID: kmpjlilnemjciohjckjadmgmicoldglf

  1. In Google Workspace, navigate to Devices > Chrome > Apps and extensions > Overview
  2. Search for the old extension IDs above, to locate which OUs they are installed in. 
  3. Then, click Users & Browsers and remove the old extensions. 


Install the new extension

  1. In Google Workspace, navigate to Devices > Chrome > Apps and extensions > Users & browsers
  2. Select the OU you want to deploy the extension to and click the "+" button in the bottom right and select "Add Chrome app or extension by ID
  3. Paste in your extension ID  ehldjdeaoebgafllfobddbfbfpmammmc
  4. Change the dropdown to “From a custom URL”
  5. Paste in your Installation URL.

  6. The installation policy for our extension should be set to "Force install" or Force install + pin" (this will allow you to see the extension in your browser's toolbar.
  7. Set "Permissions and URL Access" to "Allow all permissions
  8. Click on "Save" in the top right corner.
  9. Important - Configure the update URL: Scroll down in the right-hand pane. At the bottom, in "Deployment settings > Update URL", select “Installation URL”.
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