How do I filter cases?

The left-hand Filters column of Respond allows you to filter the queue. You can filter by Case Status, Case Ownership, On-Call verification status, and Wellness level. Simply select the required parameters to filter your queue.

You can also click on a wellness level tag in the case queue to filter cases based on that selection.

On-Call verification status

If your school utilizes both Securly Respond and Securly On-Call, you can filter cases using the 'On-Call Verified' and 'On-Call Dismissed' filters. These cases will show an 'OC' tag in the case feed.

  • On-Call Verified: This filter displays cases that have been resolved by the On-Call team after contacting school representatives.

  • On-Call Dismissed: This filter shows cases that were resolved by the On-Call team without contacting anyone.

Searching cases by student email or incident ID

To search for a specific case using a student email or incident ID, you can use the search bar to the top right corner. Note that Incident ID is the same as Case ID. 

You can also click on the icon next to the search bar to view the Case status log. Learn more about the status log.

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