Release Notes - Sep 2024

Subscription Management for Home

In Securly Home, you can now manage email subscriptions for parents, meaning you can decide whether welcome emails and weekly activity emails are sent. In addition to this, these emails will be updated to feature new templates very soon.

Note: Currently, pausing and unpausing weekly emails for a parent who has not received the welcome email will cause them to receive it. This behavior will be changed in an upcoming release to avoid inadvertently sending welcome emails.

Select Multiple Categories

You can now select multiple categories in the Activities menu, and when building reports. This should save time, as you can create a single report with multiple categories you want to monitor, rather than needing to create multiple reports to monitor multiple categories.

Improved Logging for CAPTCHA bans

CAPTCHA bans were previously logged somewhat confusingly. Now, any user who is blocked due to a CAPTCHA ban will show “captcha-ban” in the Reason column in the Activities menu. This should allow for much easier troubleshooting.


  • Fixed some issues with WebSocket protocol over HTTPS (wss://) and SmartDNS.
  • Fixed an issue with sites with subdomains not having their categories read correctly for extension users.
  • Fixed a circumvention issue using “about:blank”.
  • Fixed an issue in Home where parents with parentheses and apostrophes in their names would occasionally cause errors.
  • Changed the category name “Hate” to “Intolerance”.
  • Fixed an issue where URLs containing “securly” could not be blocked.
  • Fixed an issue where both authentication methods were not properly shown for dual-provisioned schools.
  • When a user visits a site that is blocked due to being in the “Pornography” category, they will see “Inappropriate adult content” as the category name instead. This was implemented to lessen the exposure of younger children to “Pornography” as a word they could potentially become curious about.
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