Example Format for OnCall Metadata Fields in Securly Sync


When configuring OnCall with Securly Sync, specific metadata fields must be mapped to ensure accurate data synchronization. This data is not part of the OneRoster specification but can be augmented through a second CSV. 

Below is an example format for the metadata fields required, particularly focusing on student and guardian information. Specific field names are not required as the files can be mapped after upload.

Required Metadata Fields:


Column Name Required Description Example
studentSourcedId Yes

This should be the sourcedId used in the OneRoster sync for the student.


guardianSourcedId Yes

This should be the sourcedId used in the OneRoster sync for the parent/guardian/relative.


address1 Yes First line of address for  parent/guardian/relative. 123 Main St
address2 No Second line of address for  parent/guardian/relative. Include when needed. Apt 4B
city Yes City part of address for parent/guardian/relative Springfield
state Yes State part of address for parent/guardian/relative IL
zipcode Yes Zip code of address for parent/guardian/relative 62701
allowdataaccess Required for Home Data flag indicating this user should or should not be given access for Home.  false


Mapping Notes:

  • The studentId and guardianId fields must correspond directly to the sourcedId values provided through the OneRoster sync process.
  • Each field should be populated with the appropriate data type to ensure correct mapping and functionality within the Securly Sync mechanism.
  • File and column names are flexible and can be managed after uploading.
  • allowdataaccess is not required for On-Call. This field allows the same On-Call file to control access for Home when not all users in the On-Call list should have accounts in Home. Note, if a single column is difficult to export but easy to describe based on the other columns, we can handle defining the relationship. Let us know.
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