How to deploy Securly Filter to iPads using Securly MDM

In order to deploy Securly Filter using Securly MDM, you will need to undertake the following steps:

  1. Download the certificate securly_ca_2034.pem
  2. Log into SecurlyMDM  deviceconsole.securly.commceclip5.png
  3. Navigate to "Network Profiles" and add a new profile or choose an existing one and switch to the "Certificate" tab. Upload the file 'securly_ca_2034.pem'.

  4. Under the ‘Global Proxy’ tab, select ‘Auto’ from the ‘Proxy’ dropdown.
  5. Input the PAC File URL provided by Securly in the ‘Proxy PAC URL’ field.
  6. Select the checkbox for "Proxy Captive Login".mceclip3.png


Note that you can follow the same method to install the Securly SmartPac solution. Please contact the Securly support team for your SmartPAC URL.

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