How to install the Securly Chrome Extension?

The Securly Chrome extension is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get started with Chromebook filtering.

If you already use Securly for web filtering at your school and want to install the Chrome extension on your Chromebooks, you can do so within 5 minutes by logging into your Google Admin Console.

Note: Before starting the installation process, ensure that your school domain/subdomains are registered with Securly.   

  1. Login to with your super admin credentials.
  2. Navigate to Devices > Chrome > Apps and extensions > Users & browsers
  3. Select the OU you want to deploy the extension to and click the "+" button in the bottom right and select "Add Chrome app or extension by ID" 
  4. Input the extension ID below and leave the setting at From the Chrome Web Store (screenshot below). 
  5. The installation policy for our extension should be set to "Force install". 

  6. Click on "Save" in the top right corner

Extension ID:  iheobagjkfklnlikgihanlhcddjoihkg

From the Chrome Web Store         


This process will push the Securly Chrome extension on all Chromebooks belonging to the OU selected.  Note that these are user OUs and NOT device OUs.  

Additional Info: Securly Filter Extension Versions

Securly Filter has a small number of extensions to choose from depending on your environment. Securly recommends using our self-hosted extensions where possible as we can more quickly and easily control the version of the software that is released. With the Google/Microsoft hosted extensions there is a considerable delay when we publish updates and if there are any issues it takes a similarly long time to push fixes or updates. 

Important note: When pushing out a Securly-hosted extension using G-Suite Admin Console, please ensure that the Update URL setting is changed to "Installation URL" instead of the inherited Google default "Updatecheck URL..."

BrowserExtension IDVersion
Chromebook Onlyjoflmkccibkooplaeoinecjbmdebglab2.98.65 (PKG-22 / Aug 2024)
Chrome Browser (macOS/Windows)lcgajdcbmhepemmlpemkkpgagieehmjp2.98.65 (PKG-22 / Aug 2024)
Edge Browseradncfiefnfjddkdlfcckejoefaoehcdf2.98.65 (PKG-22 / Aug 2024)
Securly-hosted extensions (
BrowserExtension IDVersion
Chromebook Onlyiheobagjkfklnlikgihanlhcddjoihkg2.98.64 (PKG-22 / Aug 2024)
Google-hosted extension
BrowserExtension IDVersion
Edge Browserdfkheabholbfmmehflddbknjimnjelda2.98.41 (PKG-22 / Aug 2024)
Microsoft-hosted extension

Some experimental extensions are usually published for specific tests to be completed by customers, these are listed here for completeness but should only be used under instruction from a Securly support team member.

BrowserExtension IDVersion
Chromebooknldffgleokocdcddeocjmdgneoinbhfb2.98.0 (Think Twice)
Chrome Browser (macOS/Windows)hgpppmjalkmcmloikkbmonbpdakcklfp2.98.0 (Think Twice)
Edge Browserbjnmaaglmedeickpbmlhmjkndenggend2.98.0 (Think Twice)
Chromebookkhfcjmoagjdbcchabenkohfbllefkbei2.98.0 (MV3)
Chromebookhgmfginomehjpgpacpjnjaijecknnaog2.98.51 (PKG-20 Beta - DNS Failsafe)
Chrome Browser (macOS/Windows)ehpfmanenigliflmbaiihbppncilhaha2.98.50 (Beta)
Chromebookknneimmpeamikmjijmnhjmmobddleohj2.98.60 (REL-6435)
Edge Browsercppgiodhimhhljofjomebpcgliegpddd2.98.61 (FILTER-3880)
Chrome Browser (macOS/Windows)pmjdkmdfhcbecicgaenammmpamphljpe2.98.61 (FILTER-3880)
Chromebookbemnimicbokkfdkgbghbpaelcagifglp2.97.1 (QA)
Experimental Securly-hosted extensions (
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