How does Securly handle images?

Securly takes a three-pronged approach to filter out inappropriate images.

  1. Keyword Scanning - This scans category-specific keywords to filter out inappropriate words and phrases to provide safer results. (Click here to learn more.)
  2. SafeSearch- This enables the respective version of “SafeSearch” on Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
  3. Creative Commons - This enables creative commons on Google and Bing to effectively take advantage of copyright to provide an additional layer of protection concerning images.

(Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that advocates for the legal sharing of digital content by filtering image searches on the browser once enabled. This multi-faceted tool works complementary to Google SafeSearch, providing additional criteria that further restrict inappropriate content.)  

Policy Setup for Creative Commons

To enable image Safe Search

  1. Login to Securly Filter.
  2. Navigate to the Policy Editor > policy you want to apply the settings for
  3. Check the checkbox for "Restrict image Search to Creative Commons."creative_commons.png

We recommend that you enable the "Safe Search Mode" for high schoolers and other older users as Creative Commons results can seem rather prohibitively locked down for them. The "Restrict Image Search to Creative Commons" is best suited for smaller children.

User Experience

For image searches where the user searches for an explicitly inappropriate keyword, no images will be displayed.


For more ambiguous terms, the safe search mode will ensure that the user is displaying only safe results.




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